Psychiatric evaluation paper template

October 18, 2022

How to Write an Initial Psychiatric Evaluation (examples + template)

Carlene MacMillan, M.D.

I’ve met hundreds, if not thousands, of psychiatrists over the years and every single one of them visualizes their version of the “ideal psychiatric evaluation note.”

Writing these notes can be extremely time consuming with traditional word processing systems and many EHRs. Countless variations exist, but a thorough note contains similar core elements that can be streamlined if you have the right “recipe” and automations.

For example, you’re probably familiar with this workflow:

You send forms for the patient to fill out. Then, they fill it out and scan it back to you. Then you scan it into your EHR, where you can then copy and paste vital info into your assessment report. These steps take precious time for you and your patient—even if you threw away your fax machine and do it all digitally.

What should you include in your psychiatric intake?

Let’s take a look at the type of information you need collect from patients on intake forms prior to the evaluation—and how we can streamline the process:

What should you include in your initial psychiatric evaluation?

You’ll want to have a template that includes the following sections:

Assessment which typically includes:

Plan which typically includes:

Sample Initial Psychiatric Evaluation Template

Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment Table

1. General Information

Data Field Description
Person's Name Record the person's full name.
Date of Birth Record the person's date of birth.
Date of Visit Record the date of the visit.
Age Record the person's current age.

2. Comprehensive Assessment

Data Field Description
Comprehensive Assessment has been completed? Check Yes or No and indicate date of most recent assessment.

3. Primary Care Provider Information

Data Field Description
Primary Care Provider (PCP) Name and Credentials/ Address/ Telephone Number/Fax/Date of Last Exam Record the person’s PCP contact information. This may be an RNP or Pediatrician but must be the medical professional primarily in charge of the person’s overall physical health care.

4. Health History

Data Field Description
Physical Health History Review the Physical Health section of the Comprehensive Assessment with the person and record the date of the Comprehensive Assessment reviewed. If there is no additional pertinent physical health history, check No Additional History to be Added. If there is additional pertinent physical health history, OR if the Comprehensive Assessment was not reviewed, check Additional History/ Comments and provide the information.
Family Mental Health / Substance Use History Check all that apply or none reported and comment as necessary.
Substance Use /Addictive Behavior History Review the Substance Use/Addictive Behavior section of the Comprehensive Assessment with the person and record the date of the Comprehensive Assessment reviewed. If there is no additional pertinent substance use/addictive behavior history, check No Additional History to be Added. If there is additional pertinent substance use history, OR if Comprehensive Assessment was not reviewed: check Additional History Indicated Below and provide the information on this form in the grid below. For reporting substance use, include age of first use, date of last use, frequency, amount and method of use.

5. Treatment History

Data Field Description
Type of Service/ Mental Health or Substance Use Name of Provider/Agency/ Dates of Service/Completed (Y/N) Review the Treatment History section in the Comprehensive Assessment (mental health (MH) and substance use (SU) with the person and record the date of Comprehensive Assessment reviewed. If there is no additional pertinent treatment history, check No Additional History to be Added. If there is additional treatment information, OR if the Comprehensive Assessment has not been reviewed, check Additional History Indicated Below and provide the information on this form in the grid below. record the treatment episodes on this form in the grid below.
Additional Pertinent Information Review each area if the Assessment Domains listed in the Comprehensive Assessment and record the date of Comprehensive Assessment reviewed. For each area, if there is no additional pertinent treatment history, check No. If there is additional treatment information, OR if the Comprehensive Assessment has not been reviewed, check Yes and provide the information in Comments.

6. Mental Status Examination

Data Field Description
Mental Status Exam Avoid judgmental perceptions. Take into account cultural differences. Think of creating a picture of the person served so that anyone reading the results of the exam would be able to clearly perceive the person just as you do. Assessment items are “in the moment”, in other words as the person presents to you at the present time. There are other sections of the assessment form that address historical information.
Appearance/clothing, Eye Contact, Build, Posture, Body Movement, Behavior, Speech, Emotional State-Affect, Emotional State-Mood Check appropriate boxes for each section, taking into account culture, age, and other factors.

7. Thought and Perception

Data Field Description
Emotional State-Affect, Facial Expression, Perception, Hallucinations, Thought Content, Delusions, Other Content Check the appropriate boxes for each section.

8. Orientation, Memory, and Insight

Data Field Description
Thought Process, Intellectual Functioning, Orientation, Memory, Insight, Judgment Check the appropriate boxes for each section.