
Department of Public Advocacy

Clean Slate Kentucky provides resources to help people expunge their criminal records. Clean Slate Kentucky can help you to figure out if you are eligible for expungement, a step-by-step guide on how to request an expungement and where to find training sessions to help you with your expungement application.

WHAT IS EXPUNGEMENT? Expungement is the legal process where an arrest, charge or conviction are completely removed from your record. In Kentucky, if you do not ask for expungement, the arrest, charge or conviction will stay on your criminal history. This means that any time your background is run, the conviction will show up. This can hurt job opportunities, school or educational opportunities and even some government assistance programs. Expungement gives you a clean slate.

Expungement FAQ

Am I eligible for expungement if I was found NOT GUILTY, if the charge was DISMISSED, or if the grand jury DID NOT indict me?

Yes, you can expunge a charge that was dismissed or if the grand jury does not indict within 6-months. A certificate of eligibility is NOT required and there is no filing fee. The requirements for expungement of an acquittal, dismissed charge, or failure to indict is as follows: