Royal business college application form

Are you worried about funding? Our qualified admissions advisor can help you explore various funding options, such as student aid loans and grants. RCB College Admissions Advisors can provide additional information and help plan a student's education funding.

Alberta Student Aid Link: Click Here
RCB College Student Handbook: Click Here

International Students

RCB College believes in supporting our international students in a friendly environment. Enrolment into the RCB College diploma program requires successful completion of high school.

Travel Information

Webinars for International Students

Join our in-house Immigration Specialist and International Learners Advisors to learn the latest information on travelling to Canada and more topics.

Living in Calgary

Close to the world-famous Rocky Mountains and Banff National Park, Calgary is home to over a million people and is the fourth largest city in Canada.

Housing – Rental Options

RCB College does not offer on- or off-campus housing; however, we offer a list of resources for housing options.

Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan

All students must enroll in the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan when they arrive. Registration is not automatic. Alberta Health Care Insurance is a primary health care coverage administered and governed by the provincial Government of Alberta. All eligible recipients are legally required to be covered by this insurance plan.


Please visit Calgary Transit for commute options.