Truck Lease Agreement Template

Use this truck lease agreement template when a truck owner leases the vehicle to another person. These agreements are typically used to govern commercial leases but can be used for personal use if the lessee holds a commercial driver’s license (CDL).

This Truck Lease Agreement (the “Agreement”) sets out the terms and conditions upon which [Lessor.FirstName] [Lessor.LastName] (the “Lessor”) is a Company duly registered under the laws of [Lessor.State] with registration number (Enter registered number) and having its registered address at [Lessor.StreetAddress] [Lessor.City] [Lessor.PostalCode] , shall lease a Truck to:

​ [Lessee.FirstName] [Lessee.LastName] (the “Lessee”), being a Company duly registered under the laws of [Lessee.State] with registration number (Enter registered number) and having its registered address at [Lessee.StreetAddress] [Lessee.City] [Lessee.PostalCode] (together, the “Parties”).

WHEREAS: The Lessor is the registered owner of the Truck.

WHEREAS: The Lessor is desirous of leasing the Truck to the Lessee on such terms as are set out in this Lease Agreement, and the Lessee, for his part, is desirous of leasing the Truck from the Lessor on said terms.