How it works

The Government keeps a record of all registered births that take place in Alberta and can only issue documents for these births.

What’s important to know

There is only one size of birth certificate; what varies is the amount of information it contains.

All certificates are certified extracts of the original Registration of Birth. Altering and/or laminating Vital Statistics documents makes them invalid.

The following must be applied for through the Provincial Archives of Alberta as they qualify as historical records (anyone may apply)

Birth certificate with personal information only

This birth certificate includes:

Birth certificate with personal information and parentage

This birth certificate includes:

Photocopy of a Registration of Birth

This is a photocopy of the registration form completed at the time of birth, usually by the mother/person who gave birth to the child.

A photocopy of a Registration of Birth usually includes:

A photocopy of a Registration of Birth cannot be used for identification.

A photocopy is generally used for genealogical, court or consulate purposes.

There’s always an official raised seal and red stamp on the back of the photocopy stating it’s a certified true copy of the original registration.