Singer Manuals
These manuals are scans taken from original Singer manuals that have been converted to Adobe PDF format for viewing/printing. Some of the original manuals are nearly 100 pages and the resulting files can be rather large, even when compressed into PDFs.
If you will right-click the links below and choose "save as" you can store these files on your own system. This is usually better than trying to view them within your browser.

221K Manual Cover
- 12K (3 MB)
- Singer 12K 'New Family', Instructions for using machine and attachments (Form K2); 12pp.
- 15K80
- 15-86
- 15-30 / 15-87 & generic 15 class machines (617K)
- 15-30 / 15-87 & generic 15 class machines
- rotated for printing(617K)
- 15-88 & 15-89
- 15-90 (5MB)
- Reversible Feed, Oscillating Shuttle, For Family Use. Here is a high-res manual: 15-90 (50MB) Manuals provided by John Merritt.
- 15-91 (5.3 MB)
- 15-96 and 15-98 (57MB)
- 15-96 and 15-98 (5MB)
- 15-125 (4MB)
- Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine 15-125
- The Model 20 Toy Sewing Machine
- Full Page 1914 Manual
Life Size 1914 Manual
Revised 1926 Manual
Singer 20-1 in German
Sewhandy Model 20
Adjuster's Manual for the Singer Model 20
- 24-24
- Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine No. 24-24 (Automatic Chain Stitch) and Attachments
- 27-4
- In black and white
- 28
- The above manual, enlarged to enhance readability.
- 27K & 28K
- INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING The Singer ManUfacturing Co.'s 27K and 28K (VIBRATING SHUTTLE) Sewing Machines
- 27K and 28K
- Form K 204
- 66 (5.6 MB)
- From 1929
- 66-1
- 66-1, 1912, color
- The above in black and white. Possibly more legible, but not nearly so charming.
- 66-6
- Color manual for the 66-6. Dating from 1929, this manual is form 18368.
- 66-16
- 66-18
- For using the Singer Electric Sewing Machine 66-18. (Provided by Jens Parks in honor of his mother.)
- 66-18 - another variation of the 66-18 manual
- 99
- 99K
- 99-13
- The Singer Portable Electric Sewing machine No. 99-13, with knee control
(Courtesy of Drew Ritland)
- 101-4 & 101-12
- 1929 manual, in color
- 101-4 & 101-12
- black and white
- 115 (4.5 MB)
- "Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine No. 115
- lock stitch, for family use" Form 8255, May 1915 (32pp).
- 127 & 128 (2.7 MB)
- 192K, 192K2, 192K3
- 192 Spartan (900 KB)
- Instructions for Singer's budget model (Form K6349), 4 pages.
For more detailed instructions, see literature for the 99 (to
which it is very similar).
- 201 (6.2 MB)
- 201K
- 201p
- 206K25
- Instructions for using SINGER Sewing Machine 206
- 221K Featherweight (1.1 MB)
- The bare-necessities Featherweight manual.
- 221K Featherweight (10 MB)
- Instructions for using Singer Portable Electric Sewing Machine No. 221K, Rotary Hook, Reverse Feed, for family use, plus "Instructions for using attachments etc. which may be purchased separately" - this includes: the feed cover plate (for darning) and embroidery. Dated November 1951 (Form no. K5710).
- 221-1 Featherweight (9 MB)
- "Instructions for using Singer Portable Electric Sewing Machine 221-1 (Lockstitch, for family use with foot control). Form No. 19657." Undated. It would have been originally supplied with American machines.
- 222K Free-arm Featherweight (12 MB)
- Dated November 1955 (Form K5969). Including how to use the attachments. 96pp.
- 237
- AS THE OWNER OF THE SINGER 237 you have a completely new, smooth running sewing machine which offers you a new world of sewing enjoy- ment.
- 301 (5.7 MB)
- 306K and 306W
- 319K (16 MB)
- Instructions for using the Singer 319K automatic swing needle sewing machine (1957 - 108 pages). Before computerisation, embroidery stitches had to be achieved mechanically. This zigzag machine has a set of levers on the top which, in combination with the 30 supplied fashion discs (flat cams), manipulate the byte of the needle to form dozens of decorative stitches. There was a free-arm version (320K) and together they represent probably the last of Singer's rugged, "all-metal" domestics.
- 327 (4.7 MB)
- Instructions for using the Singer 327 Sewing Machine. 32 pages.
- 401 (14 MB)
- Singer 401 'Slant-o-matic' zig-zag sewing machine - instructions for use; Form No. 4101; dated 1960. Slant needle machine using 'Special Discs' for decorative stitching. For electric or treadle use. Announced as "the world's first automatic with a slant needle and gear drive. ". (96 pages)
- 401A
- 404 (3.8 MB)
- 411G (5.3 MB)
- "World's first automatic that produces not only the conventional lock stitch, but also a single thread chain stitch which can be used for basting seams . . . " -manual courtesy Bill Holman of the Vintage Stitchers Family of Groups
- 431 (7.9 MB)
- 503 (9.1 MB)
- Improved Family (3MB)
- Instructions for using the Improved Family Singer Sewing Machine, New York; Form No. 7129, July 1 1891, Supersedes Form 7006.
- Vibrating Shuttle Model 27, Number 2
- In black and white
- Vibrating Shuttle (9 MB)
- For the Singer Vibrating Shuttle (VS) machine and its attachments, supplied by the Kilbowie factory; Form No. 1443; dated 1891 See Singer Vibrating Shuttle #1
Attachments & Accessories:
Reference Works:
Service & Adjusting:
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