Parsons Creek Residential Development

Fort McMurray, Alberta


  • Fort McMurray, Alberta
  • Conceptual planning for a bright new community

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    North of the Timberlea community in Fort McMurray, Alberta, new opportunities are taking root. Bounded on the east by Highway 63, the Parsons Creek Development will accommodate 24,000 people. It’s going to have residential, commercial, mixed use, and open space areas—dynamic features for new living.

    Our job was the conceptual planning for the development. We also figured out an overall servicing strategy for the area and studied traffic, supporting the proposed plan.

    With an access roadway and Highway 63 intersection improvements completed in Phase 1, we set it up so private development industries could easily buy land parcels. The work also included clearing 460 acres of trees and moving 2 million cubic meters of earth. Arterial roadways and park landscaping, including two urban lakes and two dry storm ponds, rounded out the preliminary features